Youth Development Fund
The Youth Development Fund is a programme that supports young people in taking the responsibility of planning and delivering an individual project. The project aims to broaden the horizons of young people, providing the vital spark that young people need to ignite their passions and practically develop their skills for real world success. The programme offers accreditations by completing an ASDAN Award alongside their YDF project books.
This project is funded by Sellafield Ltd.
The Give'n'Get scheme is SWYP in-house incentive programme. This encourages young people to take part in workshops, social action projects and gain accreditations. Each elements is awarded a set of points which young people can 'cash' in for a youth club activity e.g. Inflatable fun session or day trips to theme parks/outdoor activities.
The scheme highlights that if you work hard and participate you can achieve bigger and better things, without the restriction of household income as a barrier.
School One-2-One support sessions
Delivering one-2-one sessions to young people in school using a youth work approach.
This will be rolled out from September 2021 as part of our MentoRole programme.
More info coming soon....